Sunday, October 14, 2007

Disneyland with Grandma and Papa

Papa Tony had a Birthday
This was the cutiest Tink hat but One Size fits All never fits me

Yes this is Bryan at Disneyland - don't blink you may never see it again. He hates Disneyland and jsut since he was in such a great mood already he ran into some students from his class (while the rest of us were on a ride) and he was holding my purse for me. I really don't think they notice they were trying to get over Mr. Pacheco in shorts and a t-shirt " Mr. Pacheco always wears a tie

I am the queen of fuzzy pictures, I just though I should share with the world my vision without contacts.

Obviously I didn't take this picture maybe my camera needs contacts!

It's King John the king of England from Robin Hood

Is it just me or is Daniel the tallest of us all?

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