Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Game Night

We had a fun evening playing clue. I am not a game person and this is not something I sign up for on my own but I have kids. Christina loves clue right now and yes the dogs must be present for any family event.

I don't think Emma figured out "who done it yet" I think it was Mr Green and something about a rope.

My boys Daniel and Sandy

I am starting a temp job tomorrow to pass the time till my dream job starts, so this is a fun mom - n- kids time

Since we had the camera out I had Daniel take me with my most favorite person in all the world! We never get our picture taken so this was a nice treat and it actually looks ok.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Your game night looks like fun, and I am not even a big game person. You're right. That's a good picture of you and Bryan.