Sunday, September 2, 2007

Birthday Party Incident

The girls - Steph's husband Cliff and Bryan are in his office playing computer games (BIG surprise) forgot to take a picture but I am sure you have all seen the boys ignore the world to play games before.

If you notice my knees look odd that is blood and glass. Steph made me a cake and my very helpful daughter Christina dropped it. The dish did not break in big sections- it shattered in little glass splinters all over the kitchen title. ( was NOT in picture taking mode needless to say this was not her first "butter-finger" incident )
Sandy was very glad to get to be out with company . Steph kept him on a leash just in case but he did great !

Emma was not happy to see my Grandma in her spot. Emma tried to push her out of the way. Clearly we need to read "Emily Post" with our dear Emma and get her some manners.

We went up to the Albertson's and bought a cake to save the day :)
$14.99 one would think it would taste better but at least we had one to put the candle on right

Christy and her friend Victoria are drawing disney characters with my Aunt Jeanne. Christy is still glaring at me. I got a little angry about the cake :( Good thing my Dad was camping and wasn't here is see me in craby mom form. It was toooooo hot to count to ten and breathe before I reacted. After the company left I took her to the mall for some A/C and bought her a carmel apple . I guess I felt a little guilty

Poor Emma had to find a new spot doesn't she look happy

1 comment:

Mel said...

awwww. that doesn't sound too good, but it looks like it all worked out in the end.

Looks like you had a lot of people over. Happy Birthday old see, technically you ARE older than me.