Saturday, August 25, 2007


we saw 3 bears thru-out the week only a couple feet away they are so beautiful. We also got very close to a dear (I feed it cheez it's out of my hand)

This is a scarey thought my dad lets my son chop wood (and has been for some time) am I the only one who sees the ax coming straight for his left foot?

No worries Daniel informs me that he is wearing shoes! what ? sometimes my 12 year old is not the sharpest tool and I am wondering about my dad's judgment Thank God nothing happen -this trip!

So in the middle of this beautiful place is hotels, stores and resturants what I even saw a ice skating rink? what happen to untouch nature? at least the pizza was good :)

They are almost the same size - wow they are both a mens 13 shoe and Daniel doesn't seem to be done growing yet

Good help is so very hard to find - after sleeping on the ground for a week we all needed a massage

I love the self timer on my camera I hate asking people to take our picture and then praying they don't take off with my camera

Yes I ate badly - but it was good

Christy was the "Molly home maker" even in the dirt

So these pants went in the trash once I saw the picture I look like I gained 70 pounds ( the pizza was good but I didn't eat that much )

my daughter wants a horse soooooooo bad she just loves them - so to keep my good name as most awsome mother - I let her know that the city we live in is not zoned for livestock - blame the city! this mom can pick her battles limit the times you have to say no to your child

1 comment:

Mel said...

I love the pants comment. I laughed so hard.

The pictures look very pretty. Sounds like you had a lot of fun too.