Monday, April 14, 2008

My BABY is 13!

He is not too old for the clown cone, but I didn't think about it ahead of time. After dinner he asked where the clown cone was? oops I forgot thankfully the guy made me one really quick but it did not have time to set so it melted.
Grandma Barbara and Papa Tony took the kids to Bubba Gump for shrimp (Daniel's favorite) for his big day --- he is a teenager:( They are going with him on the class trip to Washington D.C. they are all very excited about their upcoming trip
My parents stopped by to wish him a happy birthday

I am in a high stress academy so I did not have time to prepare a party or anything so August 20th when I get to join the world again I will take him out just the 2 of us. He has been very understanding of my being gone all the time, even on the weekends working out with my classmates, soon I will be back to the gym with him.


Mel said...

Happy Birthday Daniel. I cannot believe that he is already 13. That just doesn't seem possible. I know that is what old people always say to the young ones, but still. It makes me feel old :(

How is the academy going? You look great btw. I can't wait until you are out. I am afraid to call because I don't want to interrupt something. I am very proud of you though. Hope all is going well.

Thanks for updating...we missed you around the blogging world. :)

Mel said...

BTW, NO ONE is too old for the clown cone. I LOVE those things. :)